
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Lax in Updating - sorry sorry sorry 

I've been lax in updating my blog lately. I've also been lax in my training. Maybe it was the cold over the last few months, and I have not had much time for training, or even just going to the gym in general. I need to get back on track. The most I've walked is a couple miles, and there are only about 20 weeks til the walk!

New donors since my last post:
Jeff Mazur and Kathy Cuhna, both friends through volleyball, and
Kate Monsalvatge, an Alpha Phi from RPI who now lives in Chicago. She's doing the Avon Walk in Chicago, so we swapped donations.

My donations total stands at $1,324, more than halfway to my requirement! Thanks! Keep those donations coming!

More news later on this KBS station.

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