
Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter! 

i walked ~6 miles today. it's a beautiful day for a walk, although a bit breezy. i plan to walk tomorrow and tuesday, although i will probably have to walk on the treadmill at the gym, as the weather is supposed to turn rainy overnight tonight. i guess rain is better than snow. :)

new donation: thanks to Dave Pickering, another of the vb crowd, for his donation!

Total funds raised to date = $3,051.

here's a little easter fun for y'all: http://www.debsfunpages.com/easterswf/rapeasterbunny.swf

more news later on this KBS station.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

thanks tons 

since i last posted, i havent done any walking due to vb and my birthday festivities. however, more miles are planned for tomorrow, monday and tuesday, as my vb team is off this monday night. looks like we will get the april showers early next week though, so i'll probably be trapped on a treadmill rather than outside.

my fundraising total is growing by leaps and bounds!
thanks to:

for their generous donations. once all the checks hit the HQ, my fundraising totals will be $3,011!!!! That's about 72% of my goal of $4,200. thanks again to everyone who's donated for their support! i really appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

training is slow, fundraising's not! 

i haven't done any walking since sunday. i played vb monday with dashboard idols - our first play in defense of last season's championship! yesterday, i worked late - 4 proposals due on Friday(!), plus my regular workload. tonite, i will be leaving shortly for vb practice.

the next planned walking will take place this weekend, provided Mother Nature doesn't dump on us (again!) too badly tonite. they keep upping the snowfall forecast. last i heard, they (ah, the ubiquitous "they") are saying 6-12 inches. ugh ugh ugh! enough with the snowing already! time for spring to spring.

i'm happy to report several new donors, bringing my grand total to $1,901. Thanks to Juliet Hoss of Vollmer Associates, Cheryl Huie of Engineering Partners, and Marie and Shawn Payton for their generous donations! Keep 'em comin', peeps!

more news later on this KBS station.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

update - i've been slacking again 

hi, all. i've been slacking again, both on updating this blog and training. so, to quote my junior year high school physics teacher: "i don't want to hear excuses. if you don't have your homework done, the only correct response is: 'no excuse, sir.'"

between work and vb, i've been unable to carve out any walking time until today. i walked about 6 miles today around my town and managed to complete a few errands in the process. i felt pretty good afterwards. now i just need to keep it up, so i can start to log some serious miles.

on the donations front, things are down to a trickle. time to renew my bugging of possible donors via email. if you havent already donated, expect another email from me to be appearing in your IN box. :)

thanks to Brad Langner, who along with his company, Alpha Explosives, is a former sponsor of G&R Racing and a friend of my Dad's, for his donation. and thanks to Rose's company, Service Plus Credit Union, for matching her donation. My total donations to date are $1,571. that's about 38 percent of my goal of $4,200. keep those donations coming!

Boston Volleyball Association will be sponsoring a charity tournament for me on 5/21. Last year, the tournament and raffle raised around $1,200 for my walk. Good thing most vb players are addicts! :-D

more news later on this KBS station.

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