
Saturday, May 28, 2005

finally, a sunny day! 

it's been monsooning in New England (at least the greater Boston area) for what seems like years, but today the sun is shining. Time to get outside and do a little yardwork and a little walking. :)

i have tons of folks to thank for their donations over the past few weeks:

Thanks to all of them! My fundraising total currently stands at $4,791. Keep those donations coming!

I'm sad to report that the charity vb tournament scheduled for May 21 was cancelled due to lack of entries. A "reschedule" date for an outdoor tourney will be announced later.

Finally, good luck to all the New England teams that are going to National Club Championships in Denver. Play begins today. Kick butt, everyone!

More news later on this KBS station.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

walking and fundraising update 

I have been entirely too busy between work and vb (Club Championships in Denver in 3 weeks!)to do much walking in the last several weeks. I walked 4-5 miles this morning (up at 530 AM -ugh!) around the Public Garden and the Common with Bridget Cuffney from Team Emerald Necklace. It felt good - a beautiful spring morning and all the tulips and daffodils in bloom in the Public Garden. The city is really peaceful early in the morning before there is a lot of traffic. I'll be doing the same thing again on Thursday morning. With any luck, this will get me back in the training swing of things.

New contributors since my last post:
Susan Dellio,
Carole Schlessinger of Crosby Schlessinger Smallridge LLC, and
Chris Roy of Vollmer Associates LLP.

Thanks to everyone, my total to date is $4,521. Keep those donations coming! The deadline to mail donations so they are credited prior to the walk is fast approaching (5/31)!

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