
Monday, January 31, 2005

bad keri 

i know. i know. i've been neglecting the blog! so here's the update.

in terms of training, i haven't done much as the weather has been conspiring against all of New England. i've been playing some vb, but havent done any walking. last weekend i had a set back (purely due to my own stupidity, i admit it) for both training and vb. i decided i was strong enough to carry my 27" TV upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms by myself. my lower back is now telling me MOST EMPHATICALLY that i am truly not strong enough, and i should not attempt such a feat again by myself. so i am on the DL/IR, depending on which sport(s) you follow, for at least a week.

on the fundraising front, i've had several new donors. Thanks to Bill Schwartz, my soon-to-be-former-boss :(, and his wife Mary; Eric Corl, a fellow vb player/ref; and Nancy Gavin, a friend of my stepmom's. My fundraising total is just over $1,400, about a third of the way to my goal, and I've only been entered to do this walk for about 4 weeks! Thanks to everyone for the support!

also, Bruno Tramontozzi and Ben Taubman, the guys who own/run all the vb leagues i play in, have agreed to do a charity tournament again this year. watch this space for more news about that. we're still working out some of the details.

to close out this post: GOOOOOOO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!

Freddy Mitchell is not even gonna know his own name when Rodney Harrison (he's #37 for any of you that saw Freddy's comments last weekend!) gets finished with him.

flash to commercial:

the scene opens with a football player laying face up on the field with EMTs, the coach, and the referees looking on/attending.
1st EMT: "who is he?" pointing to the head ref.
Player: "he's the ref."
Coach: "who am I?"
Player: "You're the coach."
2nd EMT: "Who're you?"
Player" I'm...BATMAN!"
Coach: "Great Googly Moogly."

Scene: same player, sitting on the bench at the sidelines in a dark blue cape with bat ears.

Not goin' anywhere for a while? Grab a Snickers.

[Player takes a bite of Snickers]


Can someone call Freddy and tell him we got a gig for him?

let me reiterate in case some of you non-New Englanders missed it:


Flip those birds! (haha)

more news later on this KBS station.

Monday, January 24, 2005

quick update 

nothing new to report on the training front, since New England got dumped on by Mother Nature over the weekend. I think we got around 2 feet of snow (more in some places). So my training consisted of shoveling out the steps, driveway and garage. i got to do the driveway and garage twice since the plows refilled the driveway with 3 feet+ of snow overnight last night. grrr...

thanks to Ken Stigner of Vollmer Associates and my aunt, Tammy Freeman, for their donations!


T-minus 164 days and counting...

more news later on this KBS station.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Volleyball but no walking 

i've been a slacker this week and haven't done any walking. :( i went to vb practice on wednesday night and played in my league on thursday night though, so the week isn't a complete loss as far as exercise goes.

i have several new donations to report. Thanks to the following people:

Adel Foz from Louis Berger Group,
Eric Wu and Lisa Morrissey,
everyone at Ocean State Signal in Rhode Island, and
Vito and Nancy Palombella.

with all the contributions and pledges (not all of which have shown up on my 3-Day HQ page yet), i've already raised over $1,200!

walking outside for the next couple days doesn't look good, since we are supposed to have blizzard conditions starting this evening through tomorrow. the blizzard is supposed to drop 1-2 feet (that's about 30-60 cm, for my canadian family and friends) of snow on us, so i'll have to be content to do my pilates tape at home as i watch the snow come down.

T-minus 166 days to the walk...more news later on this KBS station.


Sunday, January 16, 2005

walking is good. :) 

i walked 2.5 miles on the treadmill Wednesday night before practice. Despite walking and practicing on the same day, i could actually move on Thursday morning. I must be in better shape than i thought!

yesterday, i walked ~4.5-5 miles with Team Emerald Necklace. we walked on Boylston Street from Copley Square to (surprise, surprise!) the Emerald Necklace, through/along several of the Emerald Necklace parks and back. it was a beautiful day, and the Emerald Necklace parks are very peaceful, even in the winter when none of the plants are in bloom.

A special thanks to my Dad's company, California Portland Cement, for their very generous donation. Mike Robertson orchestrated the donation and surprised my Dad at his staff meeting with the announcement. I really appreciate the support!

Thanks to Bill Deignan in the Cambridge Community Development Department, and Pat Barnes, a family friend for many years, for their donations.

Keep those donations coming!

more news later on this KBS station.

go vikings!

T-minus 172 days and counting...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Day 1 of actual training 

actual training means walking, not vb. I'm leaving work to walk on the treadmill for an hour (so ~3-4 miles), then go to vb practice for 2.5 hours. hopefully, jeanette (the coach) won't be too mean to us tonite. :) if i'm lucky, i will be able to move tomorrow. i think i'm in reasonably good shape, but time will tell.

new donations: John Thomas and Adrienne St. John. Thanks to both of you for your donations!

watch this space for updates.

Monday, January 10, 2005

great support already 

as usual, i'm continually amazed by the support i get and from whence it comes. not just the usual suspects (thanks to Dad and Rose for being the first to donate), but from all different aspects of my life - volleyball, work colleagues, close friends, college friends, family, and family connections (Rose's extended network ROCKS!).

Thanks to the following people who've contributed to the cause:
Dad & Rose, Kathy Kuhna, Erika Demetrick, John Eberle, Ike & Donna Reala, Norma Knollenberg, Jeff Mazur, Sudhir Murthy, and Charles Goguen.

Thanks to them, i've already collected $325!

i've also had pledges of support from several other people and will recognize them as i receive their donations. finally, i want to thank those of you that already support the cause via another walker. although you're not supporting me personally, you're still supporting this great cause.

on the training front, nothing is new since monday is a vb night. no training for the walk per se, although i did do something aside of sit in front of the idiot box all evening. i've worked out a training plan that i will begin in earnest next week. i expect to get some treadmill time in on wednesday.

check out the bottom of the blog, which shows a map with the states from which i received donations so far.

more news later on this KBS station.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The blog is back 

Here it is - the reincarnation of the blog! Instead of doing the Avon Walk, this year I'm doing the Breast Cancer 3-day, which is sponsored by the Susan J. Komen Foundation and the National Philanthropic Trust. For more info on them, go to www.komen.org and www.nptrust.org.

My friend Susan and I went to an orientation yesterday, and I signed up to walk. This walk is 60 miles over 3 days (that's 20 miles a day for you non-math people). It will take place over July 8-10, 2005. Watch this space for more info about the route and cheering stations.

Now that I've registered, I need your help. The fundraising goal for this walk is $2,100. Last year I raised almost $3,200 for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. This year, although my "official" fundraising goal is $2,100, I'm setting a personal goal to double that amount and raise more money than I raised last year for this worthy cause. There is a link to my 3-Day HQ on the sidebar of this blog. Even $10 will help in the fight against breast cancer.

Watch this space for updates on my training and fundraising. Thank you for your support!

More news later on this KBS station.

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