
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

a quick lunchtime update 

greetings and salutations! it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! 65 and sunny, plus i get to go to the sox game tonite!

i began my day today with a fast-paced 3-mile walk around the Back Bay and along the Charles. even though i was groaning about getting out of bed at 515 AM (it wasn't even light out, despite daylight savings time!), it did feel really good to get my day started in such a positive and energetic fashion. and it was only a short walk - my legs are not even sore. :)

since my last post, i've played in my usual RCO 4's vb league, played a CR C tournament (Saturday), and walked a short walk, 2 miles, last Sunday because we were unsuccessful in getting enough people to play some outdoor vb, despite the beautiful day. last night i played my regular monday CR league. so now you are all caught up with the walking and cross training (aka vb) activities of the past few days.

on the fundraising front, my total stands at $4,241 (although some checks are not yet credited on my HQ). Thanks to Tiffany Norstedt for her donation!

reminder: BVA will be sponsoring a vb fundraiser tournament to benefit the 3-Day on May 21. The format will be Coed/Reverse Coed with back row attacks. The level will be C+. stay tuned for more news later about prizes for the winning team(s), a raffle and possibly a silent auction of some items.

finally, a great big YAY YOU! shout out to Laura Woodward and Janice McIntyre, who ran the Boston Marathon yesterday for Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the National MS Society, respectively.

more news later on this KBS station.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

route news 

happy thursday, everyone!

the 3-day announced that this year's Boston walk will begin with Opening Ceremonies at the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, NH. From there, we will make our way south by some as-yet-unknown circuitous route that ends at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

on the training front, there was only cross-training in the form of vb over the past few days. i played in a tournament on sunday, my coed reverse league on monday, and practiced wednesday. there was no walking on tuesday for two reasons: 1) there was something that looked suspiciously like SNOW falling from the sky and 2) i was at the office until quarter of 8. (ugh!)

thanks to Karen Ardy, one of my stepmom's coworkers at Service Plus Credit Union in CA, for her donation and to SPCU for matching her donation! those contributions will put my total funds raised to-date at $4,191. keep those donations coming!

more news later on this KBS station.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

It's a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood.... 

last week's cold/flu thing turned out to be bronchitis and a sinus infection. after several days in bed, some antibiotics from the doctor, and a lot of fluids, i'm starting to feel much better.

so, to get my training back on track, i dragged my butt out of bed at 7 this morning to drive over to Arlington and do a training walk with Team Wild Women. we walked 12 miles through Arlington and Lexington, including parts of the Minuteman Bike Trail. it's a gorgeous day, albeit a little cool if you're not standing in the sun. although i was grumbling about the earliness of the start first thing this morning, as the time passed, my mood improved considerably. this was probably aided to some degree by iced coffee at the start, and a stop for ice cream in Lexington center midway through the walk. everything is better with ice cream, especially if you factor in hot fudge, whipped cream and nuts. :)

after walking 12 miles this morning (finished in about 3 1/2 hours, including several stops to stretch and the aforementioned ice cream break), i feel suprisingly not bad. my feet are a little sore, as are my leg muscles, but overall i feel pretty good. this bodes well as my training continues. my next potential training walk will be tuesday, as i'm playing a vb tournament tomorrow and have my regular CR 6's league on monday night.

on the donations front, i have increased my fundraising goal to $6,000 in response to the generosity of my donors so far. Thanks to Jenn Morrissey for her donation! Keep those checks and online donations coming, everyone!

for anyone in MA who is considering a perpetual donation to a breast cancer-related cause, there is a new movement to get the Mass Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) to sponsor a Cure Breast Cancer license plate. The RMV sponsors other causes such as Mass Animal Coalition, Bruins/Mass Youth Hockey, Red Sox/The Jimmy Fund, Cape & Islands, Invest in Children, and Mass 9/11 Fund with special plates. The bill allowing the plate has passed the Mass legislature.

In order for the RMV to offer this special plate, at least 1,500 applications must be collected. The initial cost of the plates is the regular registration fee plus $40, of which $28 would go to The Diane Zaniboni Breast Cancer Research Fund, a local Mass breast cancer charity. Once the plates are renewed (after the initial 2-year registration period), all $40 will go to the charity. For more info on this special license plate, please visit www.curebreastcancerplate.org. I will have applications for the plate at the BVA charity vb tournament in May.

more news later on this KBS station.

Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's Day 

happy friday, everyone!

i've been miserable/sick since monday with some kinda cold/flu thing. there's been very little vb (practice wednesday night) and no walking since last weekend. breathing's been difficult (oh the joys of spring allergies combined with head/chest cold. yay.) - i used my inhaler at the START of practice, rather than halfway through like usual. ugh. can i have a lung transplant, please?

we are supposed to get more rain starting tomorrow, so i will have to haul myself to the gym to walk over the weekend. i'm playing a vb tounament tomorrow, so no walking will happen until sunday, earliest.

on the donation front, i'm happy and proud to say that my total to date has risen to $4,121! since i'm so close to reaching the $4,200 goal i originally set, i'm raising my goal to $6,000. keep those donations coming, peeps!

new donors, since last posting (THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!)

Thanks to everyone for their support!

More news later on this KBS station.

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